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Navigating High-Unemployment with Effective Hiring Strategies

With an unemployment rate exceeding 13%, many industries struggle to maintain their pre-COVID employment levels. However, some large corporations, like Amazon, CVS, and Albertsons, have expanded their hiring efforts to meet increased demand. These companies have adapted their recruitment strategies to address the unique challenges of high-volume hiring. If your organization is hiring during this period, it’s crucial to understand how to efficiently rehire or hire furloughed talent. This article provides essential insights into managing high-volume recruitment effectively.

Understanding Furloughs vs. Layoffs

A furlough is an unpaid leave of absence where employees retain their job status but are temporarily not working or earning a salary. This arrangement is intended to be temporary, with the expectation that employees will return to their roles once the situation improves. While furloughed employees do not receive pay, they maintain benefits like healthcare and are eligible for unemployment benefits.

Furloughs vs. Layoffs

The key difference between a furlough and a layoff is permanence. A furlough is a temporary suspension, whereas a layoff is a permanent termination of employment, including salary and benefits. Furloughed workers expect to return to their jobs when the furlough ends, which can be advantageous for organizations needing temporary help.

Strategies for Hiring Furloughed Workers

If your company is fortunate enough to be hiring during the pandemic, considering furloughed employees can be beneficial. Here are some strategies to effectively recruit and hire furloughed talent:

1. Pre-Screen Candidates Before Inviting Them to Apply

Pre-screening helps ensure candidates are suitable for the role before they apply. Methods include:

  • Chatbots:
    Automated systems ask candidates qualifying questions and reject those who don’t meet the criteria.
  • Knockout Questions:
    ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) use predefined questions to filter candidates based on their responses.
  • Pre-Hire Assessments:
    Aptitude tests assess candidates’ skills and knowledge relevant to the role.

For instance, SmartRecruiters ATS allows recruiters to set knockout questions from a library. If a candidate cannot meet specific criteria, such as the ability to stand for long periods, they are filtered out of the application process.

2. Filter Candidates with AI Screening

AI tools like SmartAssistant help manage large volumes of resumes. They automatically highlight candidates that best match the job description, allowing recruiters to sort and filter candidates efficiently.

  • Match Scores:
    AI assigns scores based on how well candidates fit the job description.
  • Sorting and Filtering:
    Recruiters can quickly identify top candidates, review their applications, and schedule interviews.

3. Enable Candidates to Self-Schedule Interviews

With high-volume hiring, providing candidates with the ability to self-schedule interviews simplifies the process. Integration with tools like Microsoft Teams or Google Workspace allows candidates to choose from available time slots, streamlining the scheduling process.

  • Scheduling Options:
    Candidates receive a variety of time slots to choose from.
  • Confirmation:
    The system automatically sends confirmation emails or texts with interview details.

4. Communicate with Candidates via Text

Mobile communication is essential for high-volume hiring. Many candidates prefer text messages over emails. Using solutions like SmartMessage, recruiters can communicate via SMS and WhatsApp, ensuring timely and effective communication.

  • Efficiency:
    Faster communication through the candidate’s preferred channel.
  • Compliance:
    Ensures adherence to legal and ethical standards while speeding up the hiring process.

5. Use a System That Enables Bulk Actions

Managing hundreds of candidates requires bulk action capabilities. An effective system allows:

  • Bulk Movement:
    Moving multiple candidates to the interview stage at once.
  • Bulk Offers:
    Creating and sending offer letters in bulk.

SmartRecruiters ATS lets recruiters configure offer details and generate offer letters for multiple candidates simultaneously, saving time and effort.

6. Implement Structured Interviewing

Structured interviewing involves evaluating candidates based on predefined criteria. This method helps in quickly comparing candidates and making informed hiring decisions.

  • Consistency:
    Ensures all candidates are assessed on the same criteria.
  • Objectivity:
    Incorporates external assessment results for a more objective evaluation.

7. Automate Onboarding

For large groups of new hires, automation is crucial. An onboarding system can manage tasks such as collecting paperwork, setting up schedules, and ensuring all requirements are met before the first day.

  • Task Tracking:
    New hires can track their progress and due dates for onboarding activities.
  • Mobile Access:
    Onboarding information is accessible on mobile devices, enhancing convenience.


High-volume hiring requires a balance of automation and personalization. Effective management involves understanding the unique needs of furloughed workers, leveraging technology to streamline processes, and maintaining clear communication. By adopting these strategies, organizations can efficiently navigate the challenges of high-volume recruitment and achieve their hiring goals.

Want to learn more? Sign up for our webinar, “Removing the Roadblocks from High Volume Hiring,” and see how companies like Frasers Group have successfully managed high-volume recruitment with SmartRecruiters.